Monday, March 21, 2011

WYD 11 Third Pilgrims' Retreat

Date: 12th March 2011
Time: 12.00 pm - 7.30 pm
Place: First Floor Hall, Assumption Family House
Objective: To prepare the WYD pilgrims spiritually for WYD 11 and to create bonding among pilgrims.

<12.00pm> Arrival of Pilgrims and Registration
<12.30pm> Introduction & Prayer
     Praise & Worship                   
                  Team Building Activities
2.00pm>   Break
2.15pm>   Praise & Worship
2.45pm>   Session by Fr Martin Lam
<3.45pm>   Group Discussion
4.30pm>   Break
5.00 pm>  Spanish Lesson
5.45pm>   Mass preparations
6.30pm>   Pilgrim Mass


Armour of God
This month's team building activities taught the pilgrims to build the "armour of God" so that we can live life according to His way, instead of our way.

Fr Martin spoke to the pilgrims about repentance and he also gave us this question to ponder on. The question was "What does God want of us through our personal witness, in our experiences of leadership and expression as youths and provide examples?"

Spanish Lessons
This month's Spanish lesson was about how to tell the time in Spanish. It was quite a tricky task for the pilgrims as telling the time in Spanish is not as straightforward as doing it in English.

The pilgrims were given updates on the fundraising activities that has been carried out and on future fundraising activities as well.

Thank You
A BIG thank you to all pilgrims and everyone who made the Third WYD 11 Pilgrims' Retreat a success.

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